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G-12-ICT-Lesson 2: Basics of E-Learning-Part I


Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught. Alternatively, learning is the process of acquiring knowledge or skills by instruction or study.

Traditionally, learning has been imparted using a static content, which does not change for the duration of a grade or a training session. However, with an increase in the use of the Internet, the focus is now shifting to Web-based Training (WBT). In WBT, content is placed on a Website and learners can gain access to it.


Image by mmi9 from Pixabay

Figure 1: Online Learning

Definition and Concept of Electronic Learning

  • E-Learning is a learning system based on formalized teaching but with the help of electronic resources.
  • Electronic Learning or E-learning is a flexible term used to describe a means of learning through technology such as a network, browser, CD-ROM or DVD multimedia platforms.
  • The use of the Internet and related technologies for the development, distribution and enhancement of learning resources.
  • Describes learning done at a computer, usually connected to a network, giving the opportunity to learn almost anytime, anywhere
  • Instruction delivered electronically wholly by a web browser, through the Internet or an Intranet, or through CD-ROM or DVD multimedia platforms.
  • Provides students and professionals with skills for career advancement, enabling busy people to learn new technologies.

Figure 2: E-Learning

Comparison between Traditional Learning and E-Learning

Traditional Learning

  • Takes place in classroom setting
  • Often the teacher talks, the student listens
  • Forced in time and place
  • Imposed pace
  • Together with your colleagues
  • Learning from and with each other
  • The primary source of information is the trainer
  • Extensive interaction between trainers and colleagues


  • Takes place on the Internet/Computer
  • E-learning is a computer based educational tool or system
  • Anytime, any place
  • Flexible pace
  • You learn alone
  • Supports an independent learning style
  • The primary source of information is online content
  • Limited interaction

Further Concepts on E-Learning

Some other terms frequently interchanged with e-learning include:

  1. Online learning
  2. Online education
  3. Distance education
  4. Distance learning
  5. Technology-based training
  6. Web-based training
  7. Computer-based training (generally thought of as learning from a CD-ROM)

Today’s e-learning tools go beyond computers to include MP3 players, podcasts, blogs and more. As there is limited social interaction in an e-learning set up, students must keep themselves motivated. They must communicate with each other and the instructor frequently to accomplish their assigned tasks.

Learning Technologies include:

  1. Multimedia presentations
  2. Electronic whiteboards
  3. Interactive classrooms
  4. CAL, CBT, simulations
  5. Virtual reality
  6. Video conferencing
  7. Online learning
  8. MP3 players, podcasts, blogs and more

E-Learning Model

e-learning model

Figure 3E-Learning Model

Levels of E-Learning

There are four levels of e-learning. These are:

  1. Knowledge Databases
  2. Online Support
  3. Asynchronous Training
  4. Synchronous Training

Knowledge Databases (KB)

KB is software sites offering indexed explanations and guidance for software or other product/service questions, along with step-by-step instructions for performing specific tasks. These are usually moderately interactive, meaning that you can either type in a key word or phrase or search the database, or make a selection from an alphabetical list.

Online Support

This is also a form of e-learning and functions in a similar manner to knowledge databases. Online support comes in the form of forums, chat rooms, online bulletin boards, e-mail, or live instant-messaging support. Slightly more interactive than knowledge databases, online support offers the opportunity for more specific questions and answers, as well as more immediate answers.

Asynchronous Training

This is e-learning in the more traditional sense of the word. It involves self-paced learning, CD-ROM-based, network-based, Intranet-based or Internet-based. It may include access to instructors through online bulletin boards, online discussion groups and e-mail. Or, it may be totally self-contained with links to reference materials in place of a live instructor.

Synchronous Training

This is done in real-time with a live instructor facilitating the training. Everyone logs in at a set time and can communicate directly with the instructor and with each other. This type of training usually takes place via Internet Websites, audio- or video-conferencing, Internet telephony, or even two-way live broadcasts to students in a classroom.