Grade 11 Physics Course Information Categories: Academics, Grade 11, Physics Course Instructors Behailu Kasu Author Belachew Gelana Author Welcome FREE Chapter 1 Measurement and practical work G-11 phy Science of measurement G-11 phy Errors in measurement G-11 phy Precision, accuracy and significance G-11 phy Report writing Chapter 2 Vector quantities G-11 phy Types of vector G-11 phy Resolution of vectors G-11 phy Vector addition and Subtraction G-11 phy Multiplication of Vectors Chapter 3 Kinematics G-11 phy Motion in a straight line G-11 phy Motion in a plane Chapter 4 Dynamics G-11 phy The force concept G-11 phy Basic laws of dynamics G-11 phy Laws of conservation of linear momentum and its Application G-11 phy Elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions G-11 phy Center of mass G-11 phy Momentum Conservation in a variable mass System G-11 phy Dynamics of uniform Circular motion Chapter 5 Work, energy and power G-11 phy Work as a scalar product G-11 phy work done by a constant and Variable force G-11 Phy Kinetic energy and the work -energy theorem G-11 phy potential energy G-11 phy Conservation of energy G-11 phy Conservative and dissipative forces G-11 phy power Chapter 6 Rotational motion G-11 phy Rotational about a fixed axis G-11 phy Torque and Angular acceleration G-11 phy Rotational kinetic energy and Rotational inertia G-11 phy Rotational dynamics of a rigid body G-11 phy Parallel axis theorem G-11 phy Angular momentum and Angular angular impulse G-11 phy Conservation of angular momentum G-11 phy Center of mass of a rigid body ( Circular ring, disc, rod and sphere) Chapter 7 Equilibrium G-11 phy Equilibrium of a particle G-11 phy Moment or torque of a force G-11 phy Condition of equilibrium G-11 phy Couples Chapter 8 Properties of Bulk matter G-11 phy Elastic behaviour G-11 phy Fluid statics G-11 phy Fluid dynamics G-11 phy Heat, temperature and thermal expansion What Others Have Said